Toronto, ON, September 17-22, 2024

Our program will be on the Sched app again.  Please download the app to your mobile device now – we will send a subsequent email when we have uploaded the Action Zone schedule. CLICK HERE to download the app to your Apple iOS device, or CLICK HERE if you have an Android device.

Chris Etienne

Convener: Chris Etienne, Director 2024-2026

Chair: Melissa Ward-Rathbun

Guests & Speakers

Chris Etienne

25-26 Rotary International President
Mário César Martins de Camargo

Rotary Foundation Trustee
Holger Knaack

Alan Mallory
Climbing Mt. Everest

Ryan Rowe
Peace Fellowship & HANWASH

Valarie Wafer

Past RI VIce President Valarie Wafer

Valarie Wafer

Past RI President Jennifer Jones

Ramesh Ferris
Polio Survivor

Mary Beth Growney-Selene
RI-USAID Partnership in Uganda

Joe Dittmar
A Historic and Inspirational Eye Witness View of 9/11/01