Guest Speakers

Alan Mallory

Keynote Speaker | Author | Performance Coach

Alan Mallory is a Rotarian from District 7010 who is passionate about leadership and making a difference. His unique philosophy of life revolves around empowering people and embracing an agile mentality focused on relationships and results. Alan holds a degree in Engineering from Queen’s University and a Masters in Psychology from Adler University. Building experience through a lifestyle of adventure and challenge, Alan embarked on the journey of a lifetime and set a world record on Mount Everest along with three members of his immediate family. It was a two-month expedition through some of the most exciting yet terrifying conditions imaginable and their success demanded an unwavering perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity.

Ryan Rowe

CEO / Executive Director at HANWASH | Rotary Peace Fellow

Ryan is the Executive Director of the Haiti National Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Initiative (HANWASH), a Rotary-inspired, Rotarian-led multi-stakeholder effort working in partnership with Haitian civil society groups to deliver safe, sustainable, and affordable water and sanitation for every household in Haiti.

His previous professional experience includes advising the Governments of Haiti and Malawi on policies for safe drinking-water, directing a non-profit in the United Arab Emirates, leading the digital transformation of a philanthropic foundation, and establishing a US$630 million Middle East-focused infrastructure investment fund for the Macquarie Group.

Mary Beth Growney Selene

Chair WASH Rotary Action Group

Mary Beth was a Trustee of The Rotary Foundation from 2016-2019, a Director of Rotary International from 2013-2015, and a member of the WASRAG Operations Team since 2016. She reports as follows.

I have had the opportunity to serve as a member of the WASRAG Operations Team for the past 4+ years. All of our discussions and decisions are focused on WASRAG’s Mission Statement: Providing human, technical and financial support to Rotary clubs and districts that are seeking to help communities to gain sustainable access to water, sanitation and hygiene. I would like to continue my service as a member of the WASRAG Board.

In an effort to share our mission with more Rotarians, I would like to continue to engage with and encourage our Clubs and Districts to identify WASH programs, in which they can participate, with their global partners. These grants must meet the needs of the communities in which our programs will be implemented; allowing for multi-generational behavior change to the benefit all of stakeholders.

Joseph Dittmar, Sr.

Joe Dittmar is a 46-year veteran of the insurance industry, where he currently is serving as Vice-President – Commercial Underwriting for Swyfft Insurance.

Lessons Learned from a Date with Destiny/ A Historic and Inspirational View of 9/11/01

Joe Dittmar’s eyewitness account of the sights, sounds and scenes from inside and outside the World Trade Center complex on 9/11/01 presents an intriguing and gripping perspective on what really happened before, during and after the terrorist attacks. While
steeped with facts and observations of historic proportions, his presentation also presents concepts and ideas on what was learned that day and what lessons we can continue to teach. These lessons are not only historical, but also personal, philosophical, ethical and
social. The recitation of his journey from the 105 th floor of 2 WTC all the way back to Aurora, IL in a 36 hour period provides a wealth of insight on an event that not only changed the world, but changed the way we proceed with our daily lives as Americans and residents of an ever-compacting world community. Joe’s perspective deals with not only our political and militaristic vulnerability, but also with the awaking of patriotic spirit and human determination. His offering stresses the point of “always remember and never forget”, allowing all of us to help him continue to “tell the story” so that perhaps history doesn’t have to repeat itself.

Ramesh Ferris




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